Actually that is a german letter that means double S
Actually that is a german letter that means double S
Also ?
So many meanings for a single pencil trait...
Hope is doesn't mean nazi in japanese ...
You got the year wrong
You got your mum.
Extremely Funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I almost pissed myself when superman put them in the baseball field. The sounds he made were just to much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks dude, that's awesome that you liked it. <333
dude you ripped off my flash
You suck you ripped off my Snot green series, u stole my oak havin sex with pokemon joke, my insultin the mom joke and my idea, get good at flash and stop stealin other peoples ideas.
your just disapointed you dident came up with these jokes, your snot green was pretty funny but i made it even funnier with leting the old man die and ash calling his man a bitch. if you look at previus submissions you would know that there are more pokemon movies where ash insults his mother so that would mean you ripped off some ones idea, so dont get mad just because i made a consept better and funnier.
It made me laugh for a bit.
The first minute made me laugh I don't no y but it was just funny.
probably made you laugh out of it's retardedness. I have learned a lot since I sent this in, I'm looking for a chance to prove myself soon.
Ahoy there, Savvy!
Age 33, Male
House Plant
North Shropshire College
Shropshire, England
Joined on 9/4/05